Please Help to Save Innocent Animals From Being Cruelly Skinned Alive in China

Take the Fur-Free Pledge

To help stop this inhumane horror, please click this link and sign the Fur-Free Pledge:
 With a hidden camera, animals were filmed being SKINNED ALIVE. They say it's done to get a more perfect ''cut''. Afterwards, the carcasses are tossed into a pile, still alive, and for up to 10 minutes you can see their hearts still beating, in agony, their eyes still blinking, and the puppies’ little paws still shaking.

There was one puppy that still lifted his head and gazed at the camera with bloodied eyes . If you don't care to see the video, please sign and forward to your friends.

This monstrosity has to be stopped, We have to act.

Please add your signature to the petition and send to everyone in your address book. 

Please be warned before clicking on the link, that it is too gruesome for many to watch and something definitely needs  to done to stop it now....!!

Thanks for your compassion and your support.

There is no need to see the video, but if you must, be aware that it's horrible. The following video is of excruciating violence. Its painful silence affects us all deeply. If we don't protect animals from this type of brutality, we become silent accomplices